Oracle of Consciousness

#102 - Knowing
versus Believing

Initially, I couldn't
believe my eyes!

In the early, false-dawn twilight I  had ventured out as I often do, to our decking overlooking the Ayung River ravine and the five spectacular mountains beyond.

Rounding the walls of my sanctuary office, lo-and-behold, stood a fully grown Bengali Tiger!

 Needless to say, I froze, not from fear, but sheer amazement and trepidation of what next?

The magnificient animal eyed me off as I read his mind – 'friend or foe?'

I crouched down on my haunches, as I had seen others do on YouTube when greeting a long lost wild animal, be it a lion, bear or fox.

Thankfully, it calmly sauntered over towards my direction,  as it would have bowled me over with any speed due to its sheer bulk and enthusiasm.

The next moment was pure bliss as the reunion unfolded, his head nuzzling my neck and chest, and my eyes fill with wondrous amazement and tears of joy.

From a rescuing it as a small stranded cub caught in a thicket of bushes in Chitwan National Park, Nepal, to a fully grown, magnificient, I was going to say ‘beast’, but there was nothing beastly about this animal or our interaction.

I would describe our reunion as loving interconnectedness.

An so it was and shall always be.

For those who are reading this, know me well and my adoption of honesty and truthfulness as my highest values, you may be inclined to believe this story.

Others may discard it as a load of of old codswallop (rubbish), afterall what would a Bengali Tiger be doing wandering around the mountains of Bali?

OK, maybe it escaped from a zoo, but really, what’s the chances of me and the tiger finding each other after all those years?

And so we have the perfect scenario unfolding as to Belief versus Knowing.

The question to ask, is:

“When would you know with 100% certainty that Rick’s story was true?”

And the answer would be,

When you saw it with
your own eyes!

You witnessed him and the tiger in playfull embrace.

Not a video and especially these days when AI can produce the most spectacularly realistic images and movies, like Avatar!

Not when he is looking you in the eye and unflinchingly said,

"What I just told you is true."

Without seeing it first hand, you would be left with lingering doubt as to its validity and when you share the story with your friends, they may look bemused and enquire if you have been smoking those ‘funny’ cigarettes.

Believing in something without experiencing it yourself, is just a belief, open to doubt and uncertainty.

Witnessing or directly experiencing something first hand, leaves you with an unshakable knowingness as to its truth.

People can doubt you, invalidate your perception or even attack you and worse still, you may doubt yourself with,

“Am I going crazy?”

But the reality remains as your direct experience.

So there we have it, the huge difference between believing and knowing.

Believe in yourself,
know the truth.

man in black hoodie holding red cup

Photo by Santosh 313 on Unsplash

Photo by Santosh 313 on Unsplash

man in black hoodie holding red cup

Photo by Santosh 313 on Unsplash

Photo by Santosh 313 on Unsplash

man in black hoodie holding red cup

Photo by Santosh 313 on Unsplash

Photo by Santosh 313 on Unsplash

As a vital component of our inner and outer journey, it behooves us to systematically question what is my belief about my life and what I am encountering?

Question -

“Is this my truth, or
someone elses?”

This can be a challenging and sometimes disruptive task, especially if we have been taught what to believe from an early age.

It is going to take some courage to venture into seeking the truth for yourself and ultimately discarding those now redundant beliefs, for your truth.

And let’s face it, you cannot unearth every truth about everything in your life, I think that would be a daunting, huge and near-impossible task.

But it would be very prudent to seek the truth about those areas of your life that are important to you.

So we start with asking questions, being curious, applying Critical Thinking, logic and our intuitive guidance to a point where we can replace a belief with knowingness.

This too can change as it would be impossible to have first hand experience with every topic known to humanity!

Were you on the moon in 1969 witnessing first-hand the landing of the lunar capsule and hearing Neil Armstrong saying "one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”

Did you see Jesus of Nazareth walk on water?

Were the pyramids really built by Egyptians?

Is there life on other planets within
the Multiverse?

Constantly question and seek the answers to:

"What do I believe to be
true for me?"


The old adage rings true today –

“Know the truth and the truth shall set you free.”

And while we are on the topic of truth, there appears to be two types:

1. Our Personal Truth of what we believe and know to be true for us individually.

2. The Universal Truth – that which lies in another or other realms, which appears as a Collective Truth, vastly different from a collection of Personal Truths.


What a fascinating time to be alive as we witness the awakening of the human family!


Find your own truth, which will ultimately lead you to the Collective Truth!